creepy-crawly 英 [ˌkri:pi ˈkrɔ:li]   美 [ˈkripiˈkrɔli]


creepy-crawly  英 [ˌkri:pi ˈkrɔ:li] 美 [ˈkripiˈkrɔli]

phrase. 毛骨悚然地 


Sufferers complain of intensely creepy-crawly skin and odd fibrous strands which protrude from open wounds. 患者描述说,他们的皮肤上有一种强烈的、令人害怕的痒痒的感觉,并且伤口里还会有一些奇怪的纤维状的物质伸出来。
There were three creepy-crawly people hiding in the plate rack. Two of them got away; but the littlest one he caught. 有三只令人起鸡皮疙瘩的虫子藏在碟架子中。牠们其中两只逃了;但他抓到了最小的那只。

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  • phrase. 毛骨悚然地
  • 1. Sufferers complain of intensely creepy-crawly skin and odd fibrous strands which protrude from open wounds.


  • 2. There were three creepy-crawly people hiding in the plate rack. Two of them got away; but the littlest one he caught.


  • 3. Restless legs syndrome is a condition that ranges from a creepy-crawly sensation that runs up and down your legs to quivers, jerks, pins and needles, numbness, pain, or a burning sensation.

    下肢不宁综合症(restless legs syndrome,以下简称RLS)是这样一种症状,它或让你感到有东西在你的脚上游走的那种恐怖的感觉,或颤抖、抽搐、针扎、麻木、疼痛,或燃烧的感觉。

creepy-crawly / ˌkriːpi ˈkrɔːli ; NAmE ˌkriːpi ˈkrɔːli / noun ( plural creepy-crawlies ) ( informal) an insect, a worm,etc. when you think of it as unpleasant (使人厌恶的)爬虫,蠕虫 creepy-crawly creepy-crawlies creepy-crawly / ˌkriːpi ˈkrɔːli ; NAmE ˌkriːpi ˈkrɔːli /
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