crazed 英 [kreɪzd]   美 [kreɪzd]


crazed  英 [kreɪzd] 美 [kreɪzd]

adj. 疯狂的;癫狂的  v. 使发狂(craze的过去式) 

Two days later in Auckland, a crazed mob rushed Bieber at the airport, knocked down his mother and stole his hat. 两天后在奥克兰机场,一名疯狂的暴徒冲向比伯,撞倒了他的妈妈,还偷走了他的帽子。
We cannot know what is going through the mind of crazed ex-despot Muammar Gaddafi as he continues to flee Nato bombs and rebel snipers — but we can have a good guess. 当穆马特·卡扎菲继续躲避着北约轰炸和反政府军狙击时,这位疯狂的前任暴君在想些什么呢? 我们无从可知,却可以好好猜测一下。

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  • adj. 疯狂的;癫狂的
  • v. 使发狂(craze的过去式)
  • 1. Two days later in Auckland, a crazed mob rushed Bieber at the airport, knocked down his mother and stole his hat.


  • 2. We cannot know what is going through the mind of crazed ex-despot Muammar Gaddafi as he continues to flee Nato bombs and rebel snipers — but we can have a good guess.

    当穆马特·卡扎菲继续躲避着北约轰炸和反政府军狙击时,这位疯狂的前任暴君在想些什么呢? 我们无从可知,却可以好好猜测一下。

  • 3. The Democrats have a crazed look in their eye, like Oliphant's mad ass; the party seems insanely bent on③consuming itself before it even gets to the main contest, the effort to defeat Republican Bush.


crazed / kreɪzd ; NAmE kreɪzd / adjective crazed(with sth) ( formal) full of strong feelings and lacking control 疯狂的;发狂的 crazed with fear/grief/jealousy 害怕╱伤心╱嫉妒得发疯 a crazed killerroaming the streets 在街上游荡的丧心病狂的杀手 crazed / kreɪzd ; NAmE kreɪzd /
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