crackly 英 ['kræklɪ]   美 ['kræklɪ]


crackly  英 ['kræklɪ] 美 ['kræklɪ]

adj. 容易破裂的 

比较级:cracklier  最高级:crackliest 

Temptations of gooey pecan pie and dense sweet potatoes topped with crackly marshmallows make it seem impossible to be disciplined. 蜜糖山核桃派和甘薯配以脆果汁软糖的诱惑使克制成为一种想象。
The radio was full of news of freighters on the Atlantic being sunk by U-boats, and crackly transmissions from Edward R. Murrow reported on London under siege by the Luftwaffe. 收音机里关于货船在大西洋被德国U型潜艇击沉的消息满天飞,爱德华·R·默罗不时从伦敦发来报道,那里正遭受德国空袭。

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  • adj. 容易破裂的
  • 1. Temptations of gooey pecan pie and dense sweet potatoes topped with crackly marshmallows make it seem impossible to be disciplined.


  • 2. The radio was full of news of freighters on the Atlantic being sunk by U-boats, and crackly transmissions from Edward R. Murrow reported on London under siege by the Luftwaffe.


  • 3. Try explaining to a kid why you’re suddenly serving his sandwiches on crackly brown-rice tortillas with egg-free mayo, and you’ll know what I mean.


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