covertly ['kʌvətli]  


covertly  ['kʌvətli]

adv. 秘密地;偷偷摸摸地 

Is you covertly goes to and her appointment feared the wife bumps into woman. 就是你偷偷摸摸地去和她约会又怕妻子撞见的女人。
At this point, Salla believes, it appears that exopolitics is being covertly practiced by most of the major world powers. 在这种情况下,萨拉认为,外星政治正在被大部分的主要的世界权力秘密地实践着。

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  • adv. 秘密地;偷偷摸摸地
  • 1. Is you covertly goes to and her appointment feared the wife bumps into woman.


  • 2. At this point, Salla believes, it appears that exopolitics is being covertly practiced by most of the major world powers.


  • 3. The purchase was part of a strategic Soviet plan to steal or covertly obtain sensitive U.S. technology.


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