coup d'etat 英 [,ku:dei'tɑ:]  

coup d'etat

coup d'etat  英 [,ku:dei'tɑ:]

phrase. 政变;武力夺取政权 

The United Nations should now state its position so that Zelaya is reinstated in government and the caveman era of coup d'etat is done away with. 联合国现在应该表明立场,这样塞拉亚就可以恢复总统职位,武力夺取政权的原始时代也会成为过去。
THE murder of Mr Lincoln is a very great and very lamentable event, perhaps the greatest and most lamentable which has occurred since the coup d'etat, if not since Waterloo. 林肯总统遇刺是一个非常重大和非常不幸的事件,如果不从滑铁卢惨败事件算起,这可能是自政变以来发生的最重大和最不幸的事件。

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  • phrase. 政变;武力夺取政权
  • 1. The United Nations should now state its position so that Zelaya is reinstated in government and the caveman era of coup d'etat is done away with.


  • 2. THE murder of Mr Lincoln is a very great and very lamentable event, perhaps the greatest and most lamentable which has occurred since the coup d'etat, if not since Waterloo.


  • 3. Riding the wave of wealth has been President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who's dominated the government of this West African nation since he led a coup d'etat in 1979.


  • coup d'etat (n.) 1640s, from French coup d'étate, literally "stroke of the state" (see coup). Technically any sudden, decisive political act, especially an important and unexpected change in the form and methods of a government, but in 20c. popularly restricted to the overthrow of a government.
coup d'état / ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː ; NAmE ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː / noun ( plural coups d'état / ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː ; NAmE ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː / ) = coup  (1 ) coup d'état / ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː ; NAmE ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː / coups d'état / ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː ; NAmE ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː /
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