countryman 英 [ˈkʌntrimən]   美 [ˈkʌntrimən]


countryman  英 [ˈkʌntrimən] 美 [ˈkʌntrimən]

n. 乡下人,农村人;同胞 


I met a fellow countryman of mine, rather he met me. 我碰到了一个同胞,确切的说,是他碰到了我。
A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats. 一个乡下人在两个律师之间,就如同一条鱼儿在两只猫之间。

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  • n. 乡下人,农村人;同胞
  • 1. I met a fellow countryman of mine, rather he met me.


  • 2. A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats.


  • 3. In the absence of a male relative, evidently, our hosts entrusted me to the custody of a countryman.


  • countryman (n.) c. 1300 (late 13c. as a surname), "one who lives in the open country, a peasant," from country + man (n.). From mid-14c. as "one born in the same country as another." Related: Countrywoman.
coun·try·man / ˈkʌntrimən ; NAmE ˈkʌntrimən / noun ( plural coun·try·men / ˈkʌntrimən ; NAmE ˈkʌntrimən / ) 1 a person born in or living in the same country as sb else 同国人;同胞;同乡 SYN compatriot The champion looks set to play his fellow countrymanin the final. 看来这位冠军在决赛中会遇上他的同胞。 2 a man living or born in the country, not in the town 乡下人;农村人 countryman countrymen coun·try·man / ˈkʌntrimən ; NAmE ˈkʌntrimən / coun·try·men / ˈkʌntrimən ; NAmE ˈkʌntrimən /
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