counter-argument 英 ['kaʊntər'ɑ:ɡjʊmənt]   美 ['kaʊntər'ɑɡjʊmənt]


counter-argument  英 ['kaʊntər'ɑ:ɡjʊmənt] 美 ['kaʊntər'ɑɡjʊmənt]

phrase. 抗辩  phrase. 反驳 


A counter-argument to doing to little on the server is doing too much on the server. 在服务器上执行很少的任务的反面论证是在其上执行大量的操作。
He immediately deploys the counter-argument – citing "the historical responsibility of industrialised nations for all the carbon already in the air". 他立刻展开相反的辩论——引证“工业化国家对已经存在于大气中的所有碳负有历史责任”。

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  • phrase. 抗辩
  • phrase. 反驳
  • 1. A counter-argument to doing to little on the server is doing too much on the server.


  • 2. He immediately deploys the counter-argument – citing "the historical responsibility of industrialised nations for all the carbon already in the air".


  • 3. In fact, I'll demonstrate sorting on the client at the end of this article, where I talk about the counter-argument of putting too great a load on the server.


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