council of war 英 [ˈkaunsl ɔv wɔ:]   美 [ˈkaʊnsəl ʌv wɔr]

council of war

council of war  英 [ˈkaunsl ɔv wɔ:] 美 [ˈkaʊnsəl ʌv wɔr]

phrase. 军事会议 

It was of him, possibly, that a witness spoke afterwards, before the council of war: "There was an insurgent whom I heard called Apollo." 事后一个证人在军事法庭上谈到的人可能就是他:“有一个暴动者,我听见大家叫他阿波罗。”
The council of war at which Prince Andrey had not succeeded in expressing his opinion, as he had hoped to do, had left on him an impression of uncertainty and uneasiness . 正如他所期望的那样,安德烈公爵未能发表意见的军事会议给他留下了模糊不清而又令人不安的印象。

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  • phrase. 军事会议
  • 1. It was of him, possibly, that a witness spoke afterwards, before the council of war: "There was an insurgent whom I heard called Apollo."


  • 2. The council of war at which Prince Andrey had not succeeded in expressing his opinion, as he had hoped to do, had left on him an impression of uncertainty and uneasiness .


  • 3. The council of war was only just over when Prince Andrey, accompanied by Boris, went into the palace in search of Prince Dolgorukov.


ˌcouncil of ˈwar / ; NAmE / noun ( plural councils of war ) ( BrE) a meeting to discuss how to deal with an urgent and difficult situation (为处理紧急和困难局势而召开的)紧急会议 council of war councils of war ˌcouncil of ˈwar / ; NAmE /
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