cosmologist [kɔz'mɔlədʒist]  


cosmologist  [kɔz'mɔlədʒist]

n. 宇宙论者,宇宙学家 


I am a deep admirer of Brian Swimme, a mathematical cosmologist who teaches and writes about the epic of evolution. 我是布赖恩.斯温的铁杆崇拜者。 他是数学宇宙学家,讲授并写作有关进化的理论。
IN 1988, Stephen Hawking, a British cosmologist, ended his best-selling book, “A Brief History of Time”, on a cliff hanger. 1988年,英国宇宙学家史蒂芬霍金完成了他的重要著作,畅销书《时间简史》。

  • A cosmologist is a scientist who studies the universe. If you hope to become a cosmologist one day, you'll want to take a lot of astronomy classes in college.
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  • n. 宇宙论者,宇宙学家
  • 1. I am a deep admirer of Brian Swimme, a mathematical cosmologist who teaches and writes about the epic of evolution.

    我是布赖恩.斯温的铁杆崇拜者。 他是数学宇宙学家,讲授并写作有关进化的理论。

  • 2. IN 1988, Stephen Hawking, a British cosmologist, ended his best-selling book, “A Brief History of Time”, on a cliff hanger.


  • 3. University of Chicago cosmologist Juan Collar believes his group may have spotted a dark matter signal in their detector inside an abandoned mine in Soudan Minnesota.


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