cop out 英 [kɔp aut]   美 [kɑp aʊt]

cop out

cop out  英 [kɔp aut] 美 [kɑp aʊt]

phrase. 逃避;放弃;自首并告密;避重就轻地认罪 

Yet, after coming close to reaching this point, some then cop out by claiming they don’ t have any willpower, as if there was a willpower gene that somehow they are lacking. 然而,在认识到这一点之后,有些人逃避了,说他们没有任何意志力,好像意志力是某种基因,而他们缺少这种基因一样。
I am less disturbed by action movies like this, which are frankly about nothing, than by action movies like " Windtalkers, " which pretend to be about something and then cop out. 我很少对这样简单直接的动作电影感到困惑,《风语者》与此相比就显得装作要表现某些深刻的东西,但最后却没能成功。

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  • phrase. 逃避;放弃;自首并告密;避重就轻地认罪
  • 1. Yet, after coming close to reaching this point, some then cop out by claiming they don’ t have any willpower, as if there was a willpower gene that somehow they are lacking.


  • 2. I am less disturbed by action movies like this, which are frankly about nothing, than by action movies like " Windtalkers, " which pretend to be about something and then cop out.


  • 3. The users cop out of them if they are not suitable.


  • cop out by 1942, noun ("a cowardly escape, an evasion") and verb ("sneak off, escape, give up without trying"), American English slang, perhaps from cop a plea (c. 1925) "plead guilty to lesser charges," which is probably from northern British slang cop "to catch" (a scolding, etc.); as in cop a feel "grope someone" (1930s); see cop (v.). Sense of "evade an issue or problem" is from 1960s.
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