cooped up  

cooped up

cooped up 

phrase. 被禁锢的  phrase. 被拘禁的 

Bluefins are sensitive creatures that hate being cooped up so much that, if confined, they tend to throw themselves against their cages and break their necks. 蓝鳍金枪鱼是一种敏感的动物,它们不喜欢象很多鱼那样被关起来,如果被关起来,它们往往会跳起向笼子撞击并折断脖子。
I'm not so cooped up now; I'm part of the world. 我还没有把自己关起来,我仍然是世界的一部分。

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  • phrase. 被禁锢的
  • phrase. 被拘禁的
  • 1. Bluefins are sensitive creatures that hate being cooped up so much that, if confined, they tend to throw themselves against their cages and break their necks.


  • 2. I'm not so cooped up now; I'm part of the world.


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