converging [kən'və:dʒiŋ]  


converging  [kən'və:dʒiŋ]

n. 合并,会聚  adj. 会聚的,收敛  v. 聚合,集中于一点(converge的ing形式) 


These rocky slabs are converging at a rate of 3 inches (80 mm) per year, according to the USGS. 据美国地质勘探局说,这些岩石板块以每年3英寸(80毫米)的速度会聚。
That means that if you draw parallel lines in space, then they will remain the same distance apart along their infinite lengths instead of converging or diverging. 这意味着如果你在空间中作两条平行线,它们不会聚合或离散,只会一直保持相等的距离无限延伸下去。

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  • n. 合并,会聚
  • adj. 会聚的,收敛
  • v. 聚合,集中于一点(converge的ing形式)
  • 1. These rocky slabs are converging at a rate of 3 inches (80 mm) per year, according to the USGS.


  • 2. That means that if you draw parallel lines in space, then they will remain the same distance apart along their infinite lengths instead of converging or diverging.


  • 3. And fourth, we should make constant efforts to expand our converging interests so that China and the United States will be partners for cooperation in broader areas.


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