continuous 英 [kənˈtɪnjuəs]   美 [kənˈtɪnjuəs]


continuous  英 [kənˈtɪnjuəs] 美 [kənˈtɪnjuəs]

adj. 连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的 

continuous farming impoverishes the soil. 连续耕作使土壤变得贫瘠。
continuous bombing spearheaded the way to occupying the city. 持续不停的轰炸为攻克该城铺平了道路。

  • The adjective continuous describes something that occurs over space or time without interruption. Some computer fans make a continuous noise — a constant buzz — that can drive you to distraction.
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  • adj. 连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的
  • 1. continuous farming impoverishes the soil.


  • 2. continuous bombing spearheaded the way to occupying the city.


  • 3. continuous integration does not mean you integrate every second, but it does mean you should integrate early and often.

    持续的集成并不意味着每秒都要集成,但它 的确意味着您应该尽早并且经常集成。

  • continuous (adj.) "characterized by continuity, not affected by disconnection or interruption," 1640s, from French continueus or directly from Latin continuus "joining, connecting with something; following one after another," from continere (intransitive) "to be uninterrupted," literally "to hang together" (see contain). Related: Continuously; continuousness.
con·tinu·ous / kənˈtɪnjuəs ; NAmE kənˈtɪnjuəs / adjective 1 happening or existing for a period of time without interruption 不断的;持续的;连续的 She was in continuous employment until the age of sixty-five. 她连续不断地受雇于人,一直工作到 65 岁。 The rain has been continuous since this morning. 从早上到现在这雨就没停过。 2 spreading in a line or over an area without any spaces 延伸的;遍布的 a continuous line of traffic 络绎不绝的车辆 3 ( informal) repeated many times 反复的;频繁的 SYN continual For four days the town suffered continuous attacks. 那座市镇连续四天遭到了袭击。 HELP  Continualis much more frequent in this meaning. 此义更多用 continual。 4 ( grammar 语法 ) = progressive adj.  (3 ) the continuous tenses 进行时态 con·tinu·ous·ly / kənˈtɪnjuəsli ; NAmE kənˈtɪnjuəsli / adverb He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1990. 自从 1990 年以来,他差不多一直在法国居住和工作。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 continuous / continual These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns. 这两个形容词常与下列名词连用: continuous ~ continual ~ process change employment problems flow updating line questions speech pain supply fear Continuousdescribes something that continues without stopping. *continuous 指持续的、不间断的。 Continualusually describes an action that is repeated again and again. *continual 通常指一再重复。 The difference between these two words is now disappearing. In particular, continualcan also mean the same as continuousand is used especially about undesirable things. 上述两词的差异正逐渐消失,特别是 continual 亦含有与 continuous 相同的意义,尤指不希望发生的事: Life was a continual struggle for them. 生活对他们来说就是不断的挣扎。 However, continuousis much more frequent in this sense. 不过,用 continuous 表达此义常见得多。 con·tinu·ous / kənˈtɪnjuəs ; NAmE kənˈtɪnjuəs / con·tinu·ous·ly / kənˈtɪnjuəsli ; NAmE kənˈtɪnjuəsli /
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