constructively [kən'strʌktɪvli]  


constructively  [kən'strʌktɪvli]

adv. 建设性地 

Rather, use it constructively and refuse to let it dominate you. 反过来,建设性地利用它,拒绝让它主宰你。
Can you imagine where we would be economically if either China or the United States had failed to work together so constructively? 如果中国或美国未能如此富有建设性地共同努力,你们能够想象我们的经济今天会是什么局面吗?

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  • adv. 建设性地
  • 1. Rather, use it constructively and refuse to let it dominate you.


  • 2. Can you imagine where we would be economically if either China or the United States had failed to work together so constructively?


  • 3. We had hoped that this would be a confidence-building measure, but we have yet to be able to engage Iran constructively and directly on these kinds of issues.


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