consistently   美 [kən'sɪstəntli]


consistently  美 [kən'sɪstəntli]

adv. 一贯地;一致地;坚实地 

This is a policy we have pursued consistently. 这是我们一贯奉行政策。
Instead, we should be articulating guidelines that answer consistently the questions: Who should we support in the Middle East? 而我们应该作为回答这一系列一致问题的清晰指向标。例如,“在中东我们应该支持谁?”

  • The adverb consistently describes something that's done the same way for a long time. If your mom consistently forgets to add sugar when she's baking cookies, it means you can count on inedible cookies.
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  • adv. 一贯地;一致地;坚实地
  • 1. This is a policy we have pursued consistently.


  • 2. Instead, we should be articulating guidelines that answer consistently the questions: Who should we support in the Middle East?


  • 3. But whether you keep your scripts simple or enhance them, the automation will help you to implement SSL quickly, easily, and consistently.

    但是,无论您使用简单的脚本还是增强的脚本,自动化都将帮助您快速、轻松和一致地实现 SSL。

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