consign 英 [kənˈsaɪn]   美 [kənˈsaɪn]


consign  英 [kənˈsaɪn] 美 [kənˈsaɪn]

vt. 交付;托运;寄存;把…委托给 

进行时:consigning  过去式:consigned  过去分词:consigned  第三人称单数:consigns 

An attempt to sway him by saying he is a historical figure fails – “Don’t consign me to history” – but it does make him smile. 试图通过提醒他他自己是个失败的历史角色来激怒他,他却笑着说,不要随便就把我丢到历史中去。
So I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary. Because we cannot consign our nation to an open-ended recession. 所以我要求本届国会和我一道实施一切必要的措施,因为我们不能让美国陷入无限的衰退中。

  • The verb consign means to transfer permanently to another. You can consign ownership of your old car to your son, an act that will probably make you the "best parent ever" in his eyes.
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  • vt. 交付;托运;寄存;把…委托给
  • 1. An attempt to sway him by saying he is a historical figure fails – “Don’t consign me to history” – but it does make him smile.


  • 2. So I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary. Because we cannot consign our nation to an open-ended recession.


  • 3. Under the consignment shop structure, banks would consign only assets with doubtful values.


  • consign (v.) mid-15c. (implied in consigned), "to ratify or certify by a sign or seal," from Middle French consigner (15c.) and directly from Latin consignare "to seal, register," originally "to mark with a sign," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + signare "to sign, mark," from signum "identifying mark, sign" (see sign (n.)).
con·sign / kənˈsaɪn ; NAmE kənˈsaɪn / verb ( formal) 1 consignsb/sth to sth to put sb/sth somewhere in order to get rid of them/it (为摆脱而)把…置于,把…交付给 I consigned her letter to the wastebasket. 我把她的信丢进了废纸篓。 What I didn't want was to see my mother consigned to an old people's home. 我所不愿意的是看到我母亲被送进养老院。 2 consignsb/sth to sth to put sb/sth in an unpleasant situation 把…置于(令人不快的境地);打发;发落 The decision to close the factory has consigned6 000 people to the scrapheap. 关闭那家工厂的决定使 6 000 人遭到了遗弃。 A car accident consigned him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. 一次车祸使他落得在轮椅上度过余生。 3 consignsth to sb to give or send sth to sb 交给;交付;寄送 consign consigns consigned consigning con·sign / kənˈsaɪn ; NAmE kənˈsaɪn /
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