consecration 英 [,kɒnsɪ'kreɪʃən]   美 [,kɑnsɪ'kreʃən]


consecration  英 [,kɒnsɪ'kreɪʃən] 美 [,kɑnsɪ'kreʃən]

n. 奉献;神圣化;献祭 


This act of personal surrender is called many things: consecration, making Jesus Lord, taking up your cross, dying to self, yielding to the Spirit. 这种个人的交出行为称为很多事情:献祭、活在主耶稣里,背起你的十字架、舍弃自我、屈服于圣灵。
The rock on which the Anglican Communion is breaking is ostensibly the consecration of openly gay clergy, especially bishops, and blessings for same-sex unions. 目前圣公会的绊脚石从表面上看是公开的将同性恋甚至人员神圣化,特别是主教;以及为同性婚姻赐福。

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  • n. 奉献;神圣化;献祭
  • 1. This act of personal surrender is called many things: consecration, making Jesus Lord, taking up your cross, dying to self, yielding to the Spirit.


  • 2. The rock on which the Anglican Communion is breaking is ostensibly the consecration of openly gay clergy, especially bishops, and blessings for same-sex unions.


  • 3. What we did had a consecration of its own.


  • consecration (n.) late 14c., consecracioun, "the act of separating from a common to a sacred use, ritual dedication to God," especially the ritual consecration of the bread and wine of the Eucharist, from Latin consecrationem (nominative consecratio), noun of action from past-participle stem of consecrare "to make holy, devote," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + sacrare "to make or declare sacred" (see sacred). Old English used eallhalgung as a loan-translation of Latin consecratio.
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