consecrated ['kənsə,kreitid]  


consecrated  ['kənsə,kreitid]

adj. 神圣的,被奉为神圣的  v. 奉献(consecrate的过去分词);使…神圣;供神用 

Gather to me my consecrated ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice. 说,招聚我的圣民到我这里来,就是那些用祭物与我立约的人。
Those books, both prose and verse, were consecrated to me by other associations; and I hate to have them debased and profaned in his mouth! 这些书,包括散文和诗,都由于一些别的联想,因此对于我是神圣不可侵犯的;我极不愿意这些书在他的口里被败坏亵渎!

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  • adj. 神圣的,被奉为神圣的
  • v. 奉献(consecrate的过去分词);使…神圣;供神用
  • 1. Gather to me my consecrated ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice.


  • 2. Those books, both prose and verse, were consecrated to me by other associations; and I hate to have them debased and profaned in his mouth!


  • 3. Until the second phase of his life, he was a wrapt, consecrated solitary, pursuing his studies by intense introspection, with a mental endurance perhaps never equalled.


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