congressperson ['kɔŋɡres,pə:sən]  


congressperson  ['kɔŋɡres,pə:sən]

n. 美国国会议员(不分性别的。尤其指美国众议院议员) 


You can write a letter, you can talk about it to your congressperson, you can talk to people in bars. 你可以写信,可以与议员讨论,可以与人们在酒吧谈论这一问题。
Yes, Ms. congressperson, I know that lobbyist is your good friend, but perhaps someone else should host you on vacation. 我知道那说客是你的朋友,请你本来就没任何问题。 但是也许其他人请你会更合适。

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  • n. 美国国会议员(不分性别的。尤其指美国众议院议员)
  • 1. You can write a letter, you can talk about it to your congressperson, you can talk to people in bars.


  • 2. Yes, Ms. congressperson, I know that lobbyist is your good friend, but perhaps someone else should host you on vacation.

    我知道那说客是你的朋友,请你本来就没任何问题。 但是也许其他人请你会更合适。

  • 3. And if they’re ideas you agree with, too, every one of you can help make it happen by telling your congressperson to pass this jobs bill right away.


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