conflict 英 [ˈkɒnflɪkt]   美 [ˈkɑnflɪkt]


conflict  英 [ˈkɒnflɪkt] 美 [ˈkɑnflɪkt]

n. 冲突,矛盾  vi. 冲突 

进行时:conflicting  过去式:conflicted  过去分词:conflicted  第三人称单数:conflicts  名词复数:conflicts 

a conflict between two cultures 两种文化的冲突
John often comes into conflict with his boss. 约翰经常和他的老板发生争执。

  • A conflict is a struggle or an opposition. If you and your best friend both fall in love with the same person, you will have to find some way to resolve the conflict.
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  • n. 冲突,矛盾
  • vi. 冲突
  • 1. a conflict between two cultures


  • 2. John often comes into conflict with his boss.


  • 3. armed conflict, military conflict


  • 4. The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty.


  • 5. These results conflict with earlier findings.


  • conflict (n.) early 15c., "armed encounter, battle," from Old French conflit and directly from Latin conflictus "a striking together," in Late Latin "a fight, conflict," noun use of past participle of confligere "to strike together, be in conflict," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + fligere "to strike" (see afflict).
  • conflict (v.) early 15c., "to contend, fight, struggle," from Latin conflictus, past participle of confligere "to strike together, be in conflict," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + fligere "to strike" (see afflict). Meaning "be in opposition, be contrary or at variance" is from 1640s. Related: Conflicted; conflicting.
con·flict AWL noun , verb conflict conflicts conflicted conflicting noun / ˈkɒnflɪkt ; NAmE ˈkɑːnflɪkt / [countable ,  uncountable ] conflict(between A and B) | conflict(over sth) 1 a situation in which people, groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument 冲突;争执;争论 a conflict between two cultures 两种文化的冲突 The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts. 那次暴动是政治与种族冲突的结果。 She found herself in conflict withher parents over her future career. 她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母出现分歧。 John often comes into conflictwith his boss. 约翰经常和他的老板发生争执。 The government has done nothing to resolve the conflictover nurses' pay. 政府未采取任何措施来解决护士工资问题引发的冲突。 2 a violent situation or period of fighting between two countries (军事)冲突;战斗 armed/military conflict 武装╱军事冲突 collocationsat war 3 a situation in which there are opposing ideas, opinions, feelings or wishes; a situation in which it is difficult to choose 抵触;矛盾;不一致 The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty. 这故事讲的是典型的爱情与责任之间的矛盾。 Her diary was a record of her inner conflict. 她的日记记录了她内心的矛盾。 Many of these ideas appear to be in conflict witheach other. 这些观念中有许多看上去似乎相互矛盾。 IDIOM conflict of ˈinterest(s) a situation in which sb has two jobs, aims, roles, etc. and cannot treat both of them equally and fairly at the same time 利益(或利害)冲突 There was a conflict of interest between his business dealings and his political activities. 他的商业活动与政治活动之间出现利益冲突。 verb / kənˈflɪkt ; NAmE kənˈflɪkt / [intransitive ] conflict(with sth) if two ideas, beliefs, stories, etc. conflict,it is not possible for them to exist together or for them both to be true (两种思想、信仰、说法等)冲突,抵触 SYN clash conflicting emotions/interests/loyalties 相互矛盾的感情╱利益╱忠诚 These results conflict with earlier findings. 这些结果与早期的发现相矛盾。 Reports conflicted on how much of the aid was reaching the famine victims. 对于究竟有多少援助到了饥民手里,这些报告的说法彼此矛盾。 con·flict / ˈkɒnflɪkt ; NAmE ˈkɑːnflɪkt /
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