confess 英 [kənˈfes]   美 [kənˈfɛs]


confess  英 [kənˈfes] 美 [kənˈfɛs]

vt. 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认  vi. 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认 

进行时:confessing  过去式:confessed  过去分词:confessed  第三人称单数:confesses 

I must confess something to you . 我必须向你坦白一些事情。
Now, I must confess that I'm at my wit's end. 现在我必须承认我已毫无办法。

  • When you confess, you admit to doing something wrong. You might feel guilty about eating the entire platter of chocolate chip cookies and confess to your mom before she notices. If she presses charges, you would confess to the cookie crime.
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  • vt. 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认
  • vi. 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认
  • 1. I must confess something to you .


  • 2. Now, I must confess that I'm at my wit's end.


  • 3. Your responsibility it to confess it.


  • confess (v.) late 14c., transitive and intransitive, "make avowal or admission of" (a fault, crime, sin, debt, etc.), from Old French confesser (transitive and intransitive), from Vulgar Latin *confessare, a frequentative form from Latin confess-, past participle stem of confiteri "to acknowledge," from assimilated form of com "together" (see con-) + fateri "to admit," akin to fari "speak," from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say."
con·fess / kənˈfes ; NAmE kənˈfes / verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done sth wrong or illegal 供认,坦白,承认(错误或罪行) After hours of questioning, the suspect confessed. 经过数小时的审问后,嫌疑犯终于招供。 confessto sth/to doing sth She confessed to the murder. 她供认犯了谋杀罪。 confess(that)… He confessed that he had stolen the money. 他承认他偷了那笔钱。 confesssth We persuaded her to confess her crime. 我们说服她坦白她的罪行。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to admit sth that you feel ashamed or embarrassed about 承认(自己感到羞愧或尴尬的事) confesssth She was reluctant to confess her ignorance. 她不愿承认她的无知。 confessto sth/to doing sth I must confessto knowing nothing about computers. 我得承认对电脑一窍不通。 confess(that)… I confess (that) I know nothing about computers. 我承认我对电脑一窍不通。 + speech ‘I know nothing about them,’ he confessed. “我对他们一无所知。”他承认道。 confessyourself + adj. ( formal) I confess myself bewildered by their explanation. 我承认他们的解释使我感到困惑。 see also self-confessed synonyms at admit 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] confess(sth) (to sb) (especially in the Roman Catholic Church 尤指罗马天主教会 ) to tell God or a priest about the bad things you have done so that you can say that you are sorry and be forgiven 忏悔;悔过;告罪;告解 4 [transitive ] confesssb (of a priest 神父 ) to hear sb confesstheir sins (= the bad things they have done) 聆听(某人的)忏悔(或告罪、告解) confess confesses confessed confessing con·fess / kənˈfes ; NAmE kənˈfes /
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