composting ['kɔmpɔstiŋ]  


composting  ['kɔmpɔstiŋ]

n. 堆肥化;堆制肥料  v. 把…做成堆肥(compost的ing形式) 


In exchange for your effort, you are rewarded with composting service, provided by reliable workers (the worms!). 以你的努力为交换,你将获得由可靠的工人(蠕虫)提供的堆制肥料服务。
With a good shovel, you can cut an outline of the garden in the grass. Your child can then pull the sod away and set it aside it for composting. 先用铲子在草地上划出一个菜园的轮廓,教孩子们把草皮推到一边作堆肥——这是一个让他们了解自然界物质循环利用的好机会。

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  • n. 堆肥化;堆制肥料
  • v. 把…做成堆肥(compost的ing形式)
  • 1. In exchange for your effort, you are rewarded with composting service, provided by reliable workers (the worms!).


  • 2. With a good shovel, you can cut an outline of the garden in the grass. Your child can then pull the sod away and set it aside it for composting.


  • 3. These days it's easy to find inexpensive home composting kits with a plastic bin, a supply of worms, and simple instructions for providing a friendly home for those worms.


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