compositor 英 [kəmˈpɒzɪtə(r)]   美 [kəmˈpɑzɪtə(r)]


compositor  英 [kəmˈpɒzɪtə(r)] 美 [kəmˈpɑzɪtə(r)]

n. [印刷] 排字工人 


Actually, you can extend an xs:choice> compositor, but it will end up inserting an xs:sequence> element. 实际上,您可以扩展一个 xs:choice> 排序符,但它最终将会插入一个 xs:sequence> 元素。
That development compressed the work of five operatives into the work of a single worker – typist, compositor, editor, proof reader, layout artist. 当时五个人的工作(打字员、排字员、编辑、校对员、版面设计员),现在压缩成祇需要一个人。

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  • n. [印刷] 排字工人
  • 1. Actually, you can extend an xs:choice> compositor, but it will end up inserting an xs:sequence> element.

    实际上,您可以扩展一个 xs:choice> 排序符,但它最终将会插入一个 xs:sequence> 元素。

  • 2. That development compressed the work of five operatives into the work of a single worker – typist, compositor, editor, proof reader, layout artist.


  • 3. It was named by Phil Beffrey, who created the first version, for "New compositor" and also as a joke on the Flame/Inferno style of naming.

    这个名字是费尔巴菲力给取的,软件的第一版是他推出的,叫做“NEW COMPOSITOR”同时也取笑了下FLAME/INFERNO这种风格的软件命名方法。

  • compositor (n.) "a typesetter engaged in picking up, arranging, and distributing letters or type in a printing office," 1560s, agent noun from past participle stem of Latin componere "to put together, to collect a whole from several parts," from com "with, together" (seecom-) + ponere "to place" (past participle positus; see position (n.)).
com·posi·tor / kəmˈpɒzɪtə(r) ; NAmE kəmˈpɑːzɪtər / noun a person who arranges text on a page before printing 排版人员 compositor compositors com·posi·tor / kəmˈpɒzɪtə(r) ; NAmE kəmˈpɑːzɪtər /
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