


phrase. 并发;使复杂化 

But most of the victims in Mexico, the center of the outbreak where 48 people with swine flu have died, have been adults aged 20 to 49 with no known complicating factors. 但是在有48人因猪流感而死亡的爆发地——墨西哥,大部分的受害者,都是20到49岁的成年人,他们的死亡原因并没有什么复杂的因素。
It is crucial to educate people at risk or those who are suffering from the disease so they can avoid complicating factors such as smoking, and understand how to manage their condition. 十分重要的是,要教育有患病危险的人或已经患病的人,使他们能够避免带来并发症的因素,如吸烟,并理解如何应对自己的疾病。

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  • phrase. 并发;使复杂化
  • 1. But most of the victims in Mexico, the center of the outbreak where 48 people with swine flu have died, have been adults aged 20 to 49 with no known complicating factors.


  • 2. It is crucial to educate people at risk or those who are suffering from the disease so they can avoid complicating factors such as smoking, and understand how to manage their condition.


  • 3. This is because there are so many complicating factors when you try to study the effects of lifestyle on cancer risk.


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