communally [kə'mjunəli]  


communally  [kə'mjunəli]

adv. 社区地;公有地 

Restaurant meals tend to be ordered communally, with over-ordering a sign of respect –which makes life hard for dieters. 人们在餐厅就餐时习惯共餐,为了体现尊重会点很多吃不了的菜—这令减肥者更难减肥。
On the farming front, issuing individual land titles, no easy task in a continent where much land is still communally held, is another. 农业方面应该实现土地私有,因为在一块大部分土地公有的大陆上,想做点什么都不容易。

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  • adv. 社区地;公有地
  • 1. Restaurant meals tend to be ordered communally, with over-ordering a sign of respect –which makes life hard for dieters.


  • 2. On the farming front, issuing individual land titles, no easy task in a continent where much land is still communally held, is another.


  • 3. He hatched a concept for a hilltop retreat where artists could come to work; their art would become part of a communally owned gallery there.


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