commerce 英 [ˈkɒmɜ:s]   美 [ˈkɑmɜrs]


commerce  英 [ˈkɒmɜ:s] 美 [ˈkɑmɜrs]

n. 贸易;商业;商务 


commerce enriches a nation. 商业使一国富足。
Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce. 墨丘利是商业之神。

  • Commerce is the exchange of goods and services. It's business. Competition between cities wanting to host the Olympics is fierce because the games increase tourism and commerce.
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  • n. 贸易;商业;商务
  • 1. commerce enriches a nation.


  • 2. Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce.


  • 3. Above all, Gates is not only outstanding in technology and what is more significant is that he gets though the crux passway between technology and commerce.


  • commerce (n.) 1530s, "social intercourse;" 1580s, "interchange of goods or property, trade," especially trade on a large scale by transportation between countries or different parts of the same country, from Middle French commerce (14c.), from Latin commercium "trade, trafficking," from com "with, together" (see com-) + merx (genitive mercis) "merchandise" (see market (n.)). It also was the name of a card game very popular in 1770s and '80s. As a verb, "have dealings with," 1590s. Related: Commerced, commercing.
com·merce / ˈkɒmɜːs ; NAmE ˈkɑːmɜːrs / noun [uncountable ] trade, especially between countries; the buying and selling of goods and services (尤指国际间的)贸易;商业;商务 leaders of industry and commerce 工商界领导人 see also Chamber of Commerce com·merce / ˈkɒmɜːs ; NAmE ˈkɑːmɜːrs /
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