collector's item  

collector's item

collector's item 

phrase. 收藏家收集的对象 

The glove was hailed as the ultimate collector's item by auctioneer Darren Julien. 拍卖师戴伦•朱利安称该手套为顶级收藏家物品。
A highly unusual (and probably inedible) collector's item," read the description of the cake. 这是一件非比寻常的收藏品(可能不能食用),”蛋糕的注明上写道。

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  • phrase. 收藏家收集的对象
  • 1. The glove was hailed as the ultimate collector's item by auctioneer Darren Julien.


  • 2. A highly unusual (and probably inedible) collector's item," read the description of the cake.


  • 3. The snake, found on just one island, sports highly desirable patterned skin that has made it a collector's item for hunters.


colˈlector's item / ; NAmE / noun a thing that is valued because it is very old or rare, or because it has some special interest 收藏家的珍藏;珍藏品;珍品 collector's item collector's items colˈlector's item / ; NAmE /
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