collection 英 [kəˈlekʃn]   美 [kəˈlɛkʃən]


collection  英 [kəˈlekʃn] 美 [kəˈlɛkʃən]

n. 收集,收藏,募捐;一批 


a stamp collection, a coin collection 邮票、硬币等收藏品
The painting comes from his private collection. 这幅画来自他的私人收藏。

  • A collection is a group of things, often a group created by someone. For example, many kids have a collection of comic books.
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  • n. 收集,收藏,募捐;一批
  • 1. a stamp collection, a coin collection


  • 2. The painting comes from his private collection.


  • 3. There was a collection of books and shoes on the floor.


  • 4. refuse collection, garbage collection


  • 5. The last collection from this postbox is at 5.15.

    这邮筒最后一次收信的时间是 5:15。

  • 6. The first stage in research is data collection.


  • 7. a collection of stories by women writers


  • 8. The total collection last week amounted to £250.

    上周的募捐总额达 250 英镑。

  • collection (n.) late 14c., "action of collecting, practice of gathering together," from Old French collection (14c.), from Latin collectionem (nominative collectio) "a gathering together," noun of action from past-participle stem of colligere "gather together" (see collect).
col·lec·tion / kəˈlekʃn ; NAmE kəˈlekʃn / noun group of objects/people 一批物品;一群人 1 [countable ] a group of objects, often of the same sort, that have been collected (常指同类的)收集物,收藏品 a stamp/coin, etc. collection 邮票、硬币等收藏品 The painting comes from his private collection. 这幅画来自他的私人收藏。 2 [countable ] a group of objects or people 一批物品;一群人 There was a collection of books and shoes on the floor. 地板上有成堆的书和鞋。 There is always a strange collection of runners in the London Marathon. 每次总会有一批稀奇古怪的选手参加伦敦马拉松比赛。 taking away/bringing together 取走;聚集 3 [countable ,  uncountable ] an act of taking sth away from a place; an act of bringing things together into one place 取走;拿走;聚集;聚积 refuse/garbage collection 废物╱垃圾的收运 The last collection from this postbox is at 5.15. 这邮筒最后一次收信的时间是 5:15。 Your suit will be ready for collection on Tuesday. 你的西服可在星期二领取。 The first stage in research is data collection. 研究工作的第一步是收集资料。 compare pickup n.  (4 ) poems/stories/music 诗歌;故事;音乐 4 [countable ] a group of poems, stories or pieces of music published together as one book or disc 作品集 a collection of stories by women writers 女作家故事集 money 金钱 5 [countable ] an act of collecting money to help a charity or during a church service; the money collected (为慈善机构或做礼拜时的)募捐,募集;募集的钱 a house-to-house collection for Cancer Research 为资助癌症研究进行挨门逐户的募捐 The total collection last week amounted to £250. 上周的募捐总额达 250 英镑。 new clothes 新衣服 6 [countable ] a range of new clothes or items for the home that are designed, made and offered for sale, often for a particular season (常为季节性推出的)系列时装(或家用品) Armani's stunning new autumn collection 款式新颖靓丽的阿玛尼秋装系列 collocationsat fashion collection collections col·lec·tion / kəˈlekʃn ; NAmE kəˈlekʃn /
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