


n. (Colada)人名;(西)科拉达 


Kathryn sipped her pina colada. Another fun thing she didn't do often enough. 凯瑟琳抿了一口自己的果叶朗姆冰酒,这又是件她不经常做的趣事。
I'm blasting my air con but it still feels like I should be on a beach holding a glass of Pina colada (I'm actually not a big fan of those! 已经开足冷气,但我还是想如果现在能在沙滩上喝着凤梨园就好了(事实上我并不热衷于此!

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  • n. (Colada)人名;(西)科拉达
  • 1. Kathryn sipped her pina colada. Another fun thing she didn't do often enough.


  • 2. I'm blasting my air con but it still feels like I should be on a beach holding a glass of Pina colada (I'm actually not a big fan of those!


  • 3. While sipping a Pina colada makes you think of tropical beaches and cool breezes, this rye evokes the majestic beauty of Laurence of Arabia, in a sandstorm, on an ill tempered camel.

    如果说啜饮一口凤梨园(Pina Colada,也常被称作椰林飘香)让你感受到的是热带海滩的凉风,那么这黑麦威士忌则仿佛唤起的是沙尘暴,脾气暴躁的骆驼,好像电影”阿拉伯的劳伦斯”里那般的雄壮之美。

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