coherently 英 [kəu'hiərəntli]  


coherently  英 [kəu'hiərəntli]

adv. 连贯地;前后一致地;条理清楚地;互相偶合地;凝聚性地 

Above and below the cloud are special services such as the database storage and HTTP servers required to deliver the message coherently. 云的上下都是特殊的服务(比如数据库存储器和 HTTP 服务器),前后一致地交付消息需要这些服务。
Putnam's surprising answer is that we cannot coherently think that we are brains in vats, and so skepticism of that kind can never really get off the ground. 普特南给出的惊人的答案是,我们不可能前后一致地认为自己是“缸中之脑”,因而对此的怀疑永远不能取得进展。

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  • adv. 连贯地;前后一致地;条理清楚地;互相偶合地;凝聚性地
  • 1. Above and below the cloud are special services such as the database storage and HTTP servers required to deliver the message coherently.

    云的上下都是特殊的服务(比如数据库存储器和 HTTP 服务器),前后一致地交付消息需要这些服务。

  • 2. Putnam's surprising answer is that we cannot coherently think that we are brains in vats, and so skepticism of that kind can never really get off the ground.


  • 3. As mentioned earlier, it is about governing all aspects of the service life cycle and bringing people, processes, and technology together to work coherently.


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