cocaine 英 [kəʊˈkeɪn]   美 [koʊˈkeɪn]


cocaine  英 [kəʊˈkeɪn] 美 [koʊˈkeɪn]

n. [药] 可卡因 


The police report said she was doing cocaine. 警方报告说她正在吸可卡因。
To investigate, his team injected cocaine, capsaicin or both at once into the abdomens of several groups of about 30 mice. 他的团队将辣椒素或可卡因中的一种,或同时将两种注射进几组老鼠的腹部,每组约30只。

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  • n. [药] 可卡因
  • 1. The police report said she was doing cocaine.


  • 2. To investigate, his team injected cocaine, capsaicin or both at once into the abdomens of several groups of about 30 mice.


  • cocaine (n.) alkaloid obtained from the leaves of the coca plant, 1874, from Modern Latin cocaine (1856), coined by Albert Niemann of Gottingen University from coca (from Quechua cuca) + chemical suffix -ine (2). A medical coinage, the drug was used 1870s as a local anaesthetic for eye surgery, etc. "It is interesting to note that although cocaine is pronounced as a disyllabic word it is trisyllabic in its formation" [Flood]. Cocainism "addiction to cocaine" is recorded by 1885.
co·caine / kəʊˈkeɪn ; NAmE koʊˈkeɪn / ( also informal coke ) noun [uncountable ] a powerful drug that some people take illegally for pleasure and can become addictedto. Doctors sometimes use it as an anaesthetic. 可卡因;古柯碱 co·caine / kəʊˈkeɪn ; NAmE koʊˈkeɪn /
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