co-star 英 [ˈkəʊstɑ:]   美 [ˈkostɑr]


co-star  英 [ˈkəʊstɑ:] 美 [ˈkostɑr]

vi. (与某人)联合主演  vt. (指电影等)由(某明星)与其他明星联合主演  n. 联合主演;合演的明星 

进行时:co-starring  过去式:co-starred  过去分词:co-starred  第三人称单数:co-stars  名词复数:co-stars 

co-star Humphrey Bogart was dismissive of her, but William Holden and she got along famously -- very famously. 共同主演的亨弗莱·鲍嘉轻视她,但是威廉·霍尔登和赫本相处地非常好。
This movie is widely considered to be muddled mess, but somehow the producers managed to convince Louis Gossett Jr. to co-star in it. 该部电影在大多数人眼里根本就是一团糟,但是无论如何,制片人说服了小路易斯·戈赛特联合主演。

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  • vi. (与某人)联合主演
  • vt. (指电影等)由(某明星)与其他明星联合主演
  • n. 联合主演;合演的明星
  • 1. co-star Humphrey Bogart was dismissive of her, but William Holden and she got along famously -- very famously.


  • 2. This movie is widely considered to be muddled mess, but somehow the producers managed to convince Louis Gossett Jr. to co-star in it.


  • 3. Jolie divorced her Hackers co-star Jonny Lee Miller and in 2000 she married her Pushing Tin co-star Billy Bob Thornton. Jolie had now become the fifth wife of a man twenty years her senior.


ˈco-star / ; NAmE / noun , verb co-star co-stars co-starred co-starring noun one of two or more famous actors who appear together in a film/movie or play (电影或戏剧中的)联袂主演明星 verb ( -rr- ) 1 [intransitive ] co-star(with sb) to appear as one of the main actors with sb in a play or film/movie (在电影或戏剧中)与其他明星联合主演 a new movie in which Russell Crowe co-stars with Cate Blanchett 由罗素 · 克劳和凯特 · 布兰切特联袂主演的一部新电影 2 [transitive ] co-starsb (of a film/movie or play 电影或戏剧 ) to have two or more famous actors acting in it (由明星演员)联袂主演,合演 a new movie co-starring Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett 由罗素 · 克劳和凯特 · 布兰切特联袂主演的一部新电影 ˈco-star / ; NAmE /
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