clothe 英 [kləʊð]   美 [kloʊð]


clothe  英 [kləʊð] 美 [kloʊð]

vt. 给…穿衣;覆盖;赋予 

进行时:cloathing  过去式:clothed  过去分词:clothed  第三人称单数:clothes  名词复数:clothes 

How, then, could this race devoid of spirituality clothe in myths the profound horror of its life? 这个缺乏灵性的种族,那时,怎么可能为其生命深层次的恐怖披上神话的外衣呢?
Like skilled fashion designers, we novelists clothe stories, as they change shape from day to day, in words suited to their figures. 就像一个熟练的时装设计师,我们小说家给故事穿衣服,就像他们一天天地改变形状,以适应他们的人物。

  • To clothe someone is to give them something to wear, or to dress them in clothing. If you clothe your dog in cute outfits, you may traumatize him for life.
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  • vt. 给…穿衣;覆盖;赋予
  • 1. How, then, could this race devoid of spirituality clothe in myths the profound horror of its life?


  • 2. Like skilled fashion designers, we novelists clothe stories, as they change shape from day to day, in words suited to their figures.


  • 3. As three days in April suffice to cover certain trees with flowers,six months had sufficed to clothe her with beauty.


  • clothe (v.) "to put on garments; provide with clothing," Old English claðian, from claþ (see cloth). Related: Clothed, clothing. Other Old English words for this were scrydan and gewædian. Figurative sense "cover as with clothing" is from c. 1300.
clothe / kləʊð ; NAmE kloʊð / verb 1 clothesb/yourself (in sth) ( formal) to dress sb/yourself 给…穿衣 They clothe their children in the latest fashions. 他们给他们的孩子穿最时髦的服装。 ( figurative) Climbing plants clothed the courtyard walls. 攀缘植物给院墙披上了绿装。 2 clothesb to provide clothes for sb to wear 为(某人)提供衣服 the costs of feeding and clothing a family 一家人的衣食费用 clothe clothes clothed clothing clothe / kləʊð ; NAmE kloʊð /
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