close-run 英 [ˌkləʊs ˈrʌn]   美 [ˌkloʊs]


close-run  英 [ˌkləʊs ˈrʌn] 美 [ˌkloʊs]


CEO Peter Fisher said, "We've won the battle with our punters this time around, but it was a close-run thing." 公司首席执行官彼得费希尔表示, “我们已经赢得了这场与我们的赌客,这一次,但它是一个封闭式运行的事。
If people are permitted to open businesses and factories anywhere, and we close state-run factories, how can the state properly plan where people live? 如果允许人们在任何地方办厂办企业,而且我们也关闭了国营企业,那政府又该怎样适当的规划人们在哪里安居呢?

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  • 1. CEO Peter Fisher said, "We've won the battle with our punters this time around, but it was a close-run thing."

    公司首席执行官彼得费希尔表示, “我们已经赢得了这场与我们的赌客,这一次,但它是一个封闭式运行的事。

  • 2. If people are permitted to open businesses and factories anywhere, and we close state-run factories, how can the state properly plan where people live?


  • 3. Remember to close the run-time instance and relaunch.


close-run / ˌkləʊs ˈrʌn ; NAmE ˌkloʊs / adjective [usually before noun ] (of a race or competition 比赛或竞争 ) won by a very small amount or distance 险胜的 The election was a close-run thing. 这次选举是一次险胜。 close-run / ˌkləʊs ˈrʌn ; NAmE ˌkloʊs /
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