cleave 英 [kli:v]   美 [kliv]


cleave  英 [kli:v] 美 [kliv]

vi. 裂开;披荆斩棘地前进;粘住;坚持  vt. 砍开;使分开;打通 

进行时:cleaving  过去式:cleaved  过去分词:cleaved  第三人称单数:cleaves  名词复数:cleaves 

Selah. Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers. (细拉)你以江河分开大地。
Would I cleave tightly to my rational principles and fillet your tiny mind of any belief in an omniscient deity, benevolent or otherwise, from the very start? 我会坚持自己理性的原则,从一开始就用全知的慈善的神来束缚你小小的头脑吗?

  • Cleave, a verb, has two very different meanings. It can describe cutting or splitting something apart with a sharp instrument, or — oddly enough — it can describe sticking to something like glue.
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  • vi. 裂开;披荆斩棘地前进;粘住;坚持
  • vt. 砍开;使分开;打通
  • 1. Selah. Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers.


  • 2. Would I cleave tightly to my rational principles and fillet your tiny mind of any belief in an omniscient deity, benevolent or otherwise, from the very start?


  • 3. He could sense the right place to hit so that the rock crust would cleave and reveal the coal, in the same way that a sculptor can sense exactly where to hammer a chisel into a stone.


  • cleave (v.1) "to split, part or divide by force," Old English cleofan, cleven, cliven "to split, separate" (class II strong verb, past tense cleaf, past participle clofen), from Proto-Germanic *kleuban (source also of Old Saxon klioban, Old Norse kljufa, Danish klöve, Dutch kloven, Old High German klioban, German klieben "to cleave, split"), from PIE root *gleubh- "to tear apart, cleave."
  • cleave (v.2) "to adhere, cling," Middle English cleven, clevien, cliven, from Old English clifian, cleofian "to stick fast, adhere," also figurative, from West Germanic *klibajan (source also of Old Saxon klibon, Old High German kliban, Dutch kleven, Old High German kleben, German kleben "to stick, cling, adhere"), from PIE *gloi- "to stick" (see clay).
cleave / kliːv ; NAmE kliːv / verb ( cleaved , cleaved ) HELP  Less commonly, cleft /kleft / and clove /kləʊv / /kloʊv / are used for the past tense, and cleftand cloven /ˈkləʊvn / /ˈkloʊvn / for the past participle. 过去式 cleft 或 clove 以及过去分词 cleft 或 cloven 比较不常用。 1 [transitive ] cleavesth ( old-fashioned or literary) to split or cut sth in two using sth sharp and heavy 劈开;砍开;剁开 She cleaved his skull (in two) with an axe. 她用斧头把他的颅骨劈成两半。 ( figurative) His skin was cleft with deep lines. 他的皮肤布满深深的皱纹。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( old-fashioned or literary) to move quickly through sth 迅速穿过;迅速穿越 cleavethrough sth a ship cleaving through the water 破浪前进的船 cleavesth The huge boat cleaved the darkness. 那艘巨轮在黑暗中破浪前行。 3 [intransitive ] cleaveto sth/sb ( literary) to stick close to sth/sb 紧贴;紧挨 Her tongue clove to the roof of her mouth. 她的舌头紧紧地贴着上腭。 4 ( cleaved , cleaved ) [intransitive ] cleaveto sth ( formal) to continue to believe in or be loyal to sth 坚信;信守;忠于 to cleave to a belief/idea 坚守信仰╱信念 IDIOMsee cleft adj. cleave cleaves clove cleft cleaved cleaving cloven cleave / kliːv ; NAmE kliːv /
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