clear up 英 [kliə ʌp]   美 [klɪr ʌp]

clear up

clear up  英 [kliə ʌp] 美 [klɪr ʌp]

phrase. 清理;放晴;整理;打扫 

If only it would clear up soon! 但愿天气赶快放晴。
They now expect the state to clear up the financial mess caused by this greed and stupidity through public spending cuts and higher taxes. 如今,他们又期盼着国家通过削减公共开支和提高赋税的方式,来清理这场金融风暴后的混乱局面。

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  • phrase. 清理;放晴;整理;打扫
  • 1. If only it would clear up soon!


  • 2. They now expect the state to clear up the financial mess caused by this greed and stupidity through public spending cuts and higher taxes.


  • 3. It will open many people's eyes andhopefully clear up their veins and improve their lives, as well.


ˌclear ˈup|ˌclear sth↔ˈup
to make sth clean and neat使整洁;清理It's time to clear up.该打扫了。I'm fed up withclearing up after you!你弄脏了的地方总是要我来打扫,我受够了!Clear up your own mess!看你把这里弄得又脏又乱的,你自己来收拾吧!
ˌclear ˈup1(of the weather天气)to become fine or bright转晴;放晴;变晴朗I hope it clears up this afternoon.我希望今天下午天气放晴。2(of an illness, infection, etc.疾病、感染等)to disappear痊愈;治愈;消失Has your rash cleared up yet?你的皮疹消失了吗?
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