claims adjuster  

claims adjuster

claims adjuster 

phrase. 理赔人 

名词复数:claims adjusters 

On the phone in her office, Sara speaks with a claims adjuster for Michael’s medical insurance company. 在办公室,Sara与Michael的医疗保险公司的理赔人通过电话交谈。
After several interviews, the Hanover Insurance Group in nearby Worcester offered to hire him as an associate claims adjuster, at $40, 000 a year. 几轮面试之后,位于伍斯特市附近的汉诺瓦保险集团请他担任理赔理算助理,年薪4万美金。

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  • phrase. 理赔人
  • 1. On the phone in her office, Sara speaks with a claims adjuster for Michael’s medical insurance company.


  • 2. After several interviews, the Hanover Insurance Group in nearby Worcester offered to hire him as an associate claims adjuster, at $40, 000 a year.


  • 3. In the demo, two different JK Insurance employees, a mobile claims adjuster, who is on the road, and an insurance agent, who is in the office, benefit from using Everyplace Access in their daily jobs.

    在该示例中,两个不同的 JK Insurance 员工,一个是在路上的移动的理赔调解员,一个是在办公室的保险代理商,在他们日常的工作中因为使用 Everyplace Access 而受益匪浅。

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