cigar 英 [sɪˈgɑ:(r)]   美 [sɪˈɡɑr]


cigar  英 [sɪˈgɑ:(r)] 美 [sɪˈɡɑr]

n. 雪茄 


cigar smoke 雪茄烟雾
I don't like cigar. It smokes hard. 我不喜欢雪茄,雪茄抽起来劲太大。

  • A cigar is a fairly large rolled bundle of tobacco that smokers light and take puffs from. A cigar is usually brown, and it's almost always fatter and longer than a cigarette.
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  • n. 雪茄
  • 1. cigar smoke


  • 2. I don't like cigar. It smokes hard.


  • 3. He flicked the ashes from his cigar.


  • cigar (n.) "cylindrical roll of tobacco for smoking," generally pointed at one end and cut at the other, 1730, from Spanish cigarro (source also of French cigare), probably from Maya sicar "to smoke rolled tobacco leaves," from si'c "tobacco;" or from or influenced by Spanish cigarra "grasshopper, cicada" (on resemblance of shape), from Vulgar Latin *cicala (source also of French cigale, Italian cigala); see cicada.
cigar / sɪˈɡɑː(r) ; NAmE sɪˈɡɑːr / noun a roll of dried tobaccoleaves that people smoke, like a cigarette but bigger and without paper around it 雪茄烟 cigar smoke 雪茄烟雾 IDIOMsee close 2 adj. cigar cigars cigar / sɪˈɡɑː(r) ; NAmE sɪˈɡɑːr /
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