chronicler ['krɑnɪklɚ]  


chronicler  ['krɑnɪklɚ]

n. 记录者;年代史编者 


"We have an incredibly dynamic economy, but we'll still end up in federal receivership if our government can't pay its bills, " says historian Kevin Starr, a prolific chronicler of the state. “我们的经济有巨大的活力,但如果州政府无法偿还欠款,我们最后只能申请破产管理,”加州的多产编年史学家凯文·斯塔这样说道。
In Touch apparently has become the Official Chronicler of American Bedding. 《每周接触》似乎已成为美国床上用品的编年史。

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  • n. 记录者;年代史编者
  • 1. "We have an incredibly dynamic economy, but we'll still end up in federal receivership if our government can't pay its bills, " says historian Kevin Starr, a prolific chronicler of the state.


  • 2. In Touch apparently has become the Official Chronicler of American Bedding.


  • 3. Muslims too might kill all prisoners taken in battle: an Arab chronicler of this crusade records such a case in 1097.


  • chronicler (n.) "a writer of a chronicle, a recorder of events," early 15c., agent noun from chronicle (v.).
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