


phrase. 歌舞团中的女团员 

I wouldn't like to see any daughter of mine going to waste as a chorus-girl in a provincial theatre. 我可不想眼瞧着我的哪一个女儿在地方剧院做一个合唱队员,白白糟蹋了青春。
42nd Street, a hugely successful stage musical, tells the story of an up-and-coming chorus girl who hails from Allentown, Pennsylvania, and arrives in New York City to pursue a Broadway career. 《第42街》是一部获得了极大成功的音乐剧,讲述了一名追求上进的女孩的故事,她从宾夕法尼亚州阿伦敦城来到纽约,并最终从合唱队员成为了百老汇的当红明星。

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  • phrase. 歌舞团中的女团员
  • 1. I wouldn't like to see any daughter of mine going to waste as a chorus-girl in a provincial theatre.


  • 2. 42nd Street, a hugely successful stage musical, tells the story of an up-and-coming chorus girl who hails from Allentown, Pennsylvania, and arrives in New York City to pursue a Broadway career.


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