choral 英 [ˈkɔ:rəl]   美 [ˈkɔrəl,ˈkor-]


choral  英 [ˈkɔ:rəl] 美 [ˈkɔrəl,ˈkor-]

adj. 合唱的;合唱队的  n. 赞美诗;唱诗班 


Sir Edward Elgar (1857-1934) is known for his choral and orchestral works, some of which have been made more widely known by the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin. 爱德华·艾尔加爵士 (1857-1934)因合唱和管弦乐曲目而知名,其中一些作品因著名的小提琴家耶胡迪·梅纽因而更广为人知。
Pfaender’s brother Wilhelm was a choral singer who was also active in the revolution and emigrated to America in 1848, later becoming state treasurer in Minnesota, Mueller said. 费恩德尔的弟弟威廉也是一个在革命中十分活跃的唱诗班歌手,他1848年移居美国,后来成为明尼苏达州的财务主管,穆勒说。

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  • adj. 合唱的;合唱队的
  • n. 赞美诗;唱诗班
  • 1. Sir Edward Elgar (1857-1934) is known for his choral and orchestral works, some of which have been made more widely known by the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin.

    爱德华·艾尔加爵士 (1857-1934)因合唱和管弦乐曲目而知名,其中一些作品因著名的小提琴家耶胡迪·梅纽因而更广为人知。

  • 2. Pfaender’s brother Wilhelm was a choral singer who was also active in the revolution and emigrated to America in 1848, later becoming state treasurer in Minnesota, Mueller said.


  • 3. “You astound me!” Mrs. Willoughby said, pressing her clasped hands to her lips, a gesture she normally bestowed upon seniors who were making their final appearance in the spring choral concert.

    “你真是令我大吃一惊啊!” 威洛比太太说道,双手紧紧的按在嘴唇上——这是她通常在毕业班学生参加春季合唱音乐会上最后献唱时才会做出的姿势。

  • choral (adj.) "pertaining to or characteristic of a chorus or choir," in music, "designed for vocal (as opposed to instrumental) performance," 1580s, from Middle French choral or directly from Medieval Latin choralis "belonging to a chorus or choir," from Latin chorus (see chorus).
choral / ˈkɔːrəl ; NAmE ˈkɔːrəl / adjective connected with, written for or sung by a choir(= a group of singers) 唱诗班的;为唱诗班谱写的;由唱诗班演唱的;合唱的 choral music 合唱音乐 choral / ˈkɔːrəl ; NAmE ˈkɔːrəl /
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