chopping board 英 [ˈtʃɔpiŋ bɔ:d]   美 [ˈtʃɑpɪŋ bɔrd]

chopping board

chopping board  英 [ˈtʃɔpiŋ bɔ:d] 美 [ˈtʃɑpɪŋ bɔrd]

phrase. 案板;切菜板 

名词复数:chopping boards 

Handbag and Bobby baby lie on a goods shelves, it is humidifier is mixed on the side of electric rice cooker cut chopping board. 手提包和芭比娃娃躺在一个货架上,电饭锅的旁边是加湿器和切菜板。
Put them all together — knives and a chopping board used to prepare raw chicken or fish in a plastic tub with warm soapy water — and you have almost ideal conditions for the spread of bacteria. 当你把一些用具放在一起,例如用刀和砧板处理鸡肉或用它们以及装有清洁剂的桶宰鱼时,你就为细菌传播准备好了条件。

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  • phrase. 案板;切菜板
  • 1. Handbag and Bobby baby lie on a goods shelves, it is humidifier is mixed on the side of electric rice cooker cut chopping board.


  • 2. Put them all together — knives and a chopping board used to prepare raw chicken or fish in a plastic tub with warm soapy water — and you have almost ideal conditions for the spread of bacteria.


  • 3. The both hands of grandmother is waved rapidly on chopping board, knock piece agog and the voice that has rhythm;


ˈchopping board / ; NAmE / ( BrE) ( NAmE ˈcutting board ) noun a board made of wood or plastic used for cutting meat or vegetables on 砧板;切菜板 ˈchopping board / ; NAmE /
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