choose 英 [tʃu:z]   美 [tʃuz]


choose  英 [tʃu:z] 美 [tʃuz]

v. 选择,挑选 

进行时:choosing  过去式:chose  过去分词:chosen  第三人称单数:chooses  名词复数:chooses 

choose any one you like. 任你挑选一个。
You choose, I can't decide. 你来选吧,我拿不定主意。

  • The hardest part of adopting a dog from a shelter is when you have to choose which one to bring home with you. When you pick out one pup from the mass of barking canines, that's the dog you choose.
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  • v. 选择,挑选
  • 1. choose any one you like.


  • 2. You choose, I can't decide.


  • 3. This site has been chosen for the new school.


  • 4. He chose banking as a career.


  • 5. You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not.


  • 6. We chose to go by train.


  • 7. Many people choose not to marry.


  • choose (v.) Old English ceosan "choose, seek out, select from two or more; decide, test, taste, try; accept, approve" (class II strong verb; past tense ceas, past participle coren), from Proto-Germanic *keus- (source also of Old Frisian kiasa, Old Saxon kiosan, Dutch kiezen, Old High German kiosan, German kiesen, Old Norse kjosa, Gothic kiusan "choose," Gothic kausjan "to taste, test"), from PIE root *geus- "to taste; to choose." Only remotely related to choice. Variant spelling chuse is Middle English, very frequent 16c.-18c. The irregular past participle leveled out to chosen by 1200.
choose / tʃuːz ; NAmE tʃuːz / verb ( chose / tʃəʊz ; NAmE tʃoʊz / , chosen / ˈtʃəʊzn ; NAmE ˈtʃoʊzn / ) 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available 选择;挑选;选取 You choose, I can't decide. 你来选吧,我拿不定主意。 There are plenty of restaurants to choose from. 有许多餐馆可供选择。 choosebetween A and/or B She had to choose between staying in the UK or going home. 她不得不在留在英国和回国之间作出选择。 choosesth Sarah chose her words carefully. 萨拉措辞谨慎。 This site has been chosen for the new school. 这块场地已被选作新学校的校址。 chooseA from B We have to choose a new manager from a shortlist of five candidates. 我们得从最终人选名单上的五位候选人中选出一个新经理。 choosesb/sth as/for sth He chose banking as a career. 他选中银行业为职业。 We chose Phil McSweeney as/for chairperson. 我们选菲尔 · 麦克斯威尼当主席。 choosewhether, what, etc… You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not. 买还是不买,你得作出选择。 chooseto do sth We chose to go by train. 我们选择乘火车去。 choosesb to be/do sth We chose Phil McSweeney to be chairperson. 我们选菲尔 · 麦克斯威尼当主席。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to prefer or decide to do sth 宁愿;情愿;决定 Employees can retire at 60 if they choose. 如果雇员愿意的话,可在 60 岁退休。 chooseto do sth Many people choose not to marry. 许多人情愿不结婚。 see also choice n. IDIOM there is nothing/not much/little to choose between A and B there is very little difference between two or more things or people 不相上下;难分高低;相差无几 more at pick v. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 choose select pick decide opt go for These words all mean to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available. 以上各词均含选择、挑选人或物之意。 choose to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available 指选择、选取人或物: You choose—I can't decide. 你来选吧,我拿不定主意。 select [often passive] to choose sb/sth, usually carefully, from a group of people or things 指仔细选择、挑选: He was selected for the team. 他已入选进队了。 a randomly selected sample of 23 schools 随机抽选的 23 所学校 pick ( rather informal) to choose sb/sth from a group of people or things 指选择、挑选: She picked the best cake for herself. 她为自己挑了一块最好的蛋糕。 choose, select or pick? 用 choose、select 还是 pick? Chooseis the most general of these words and the only one that can be used without an object. When you selectsth, you choose it carefully, unless you actually say that it is selected randomly/at random. Pickis a more informal word and often a less careful action, used especially when the choice being made is not very important. *choose 是以上各词中最通用的词,也是唯一可以不带宾语的词。select 表示仔细挑选,除非表明 select randomly/at random (随机选取)。pick 较非正式,常指随意挑选,尤用于所作选择不甚重要的事情。 decide to choose between two or more possibilities 指在两个或更多可能的情况中作出抉择、决定、选择: We're still trying to decide ona venue. 我们仍在设法选定一个聚会地点。 opt to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action 指选择是否采取某种行动: After graduating she opted for a career in music. 毕业后她选择了从事音乐工作。 After a lot of thought, I opted againstbuying a motorbike. 经过反复考虑,我决定不买摩托车。 go for sth ( rather informal) to choose sth 指选择某物: I think I'll go for the fruit salad. 我想要水果色拉。 PATTERNS to choose/select/pick/decide betweenA and/or B to choose/select/pick A fromB to opt/go forsb/sth to choose/decide/opt to do sth to choose/select/pick sb/sth carefully / carefully randomlychosen/selected/picked choose chooses chose choosing chosen choose / tʃuːz ; NAmE tʃuːz / chose / tʃəʊz ; NAmE tʃoʊz / chosen / ˈtʃəʊzn ; NAmE ˈtʃoʊzn /
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