cheesy 英 [ˈtʃi:zi]   美 [ˈtʃizi]


cheesy  英 [ˈtʃi:zi] 美 [ˈtʃizi]

adj. 干酪质的;下等的;虚伪的 


“I felt her ass when she got over me to suds me up, ” he continued, cheesy potatoes flecking from his mouth. “她过来给我倒啤酒时我摸了她的屁股,”他继续说,奶酪马铃薯在他的嘴边留下斑点。
Instead they followed up the classic with a series of cheesy sequels in the '80s that were totally unrelated to his book. 不过他们在80年代反倒是接着那部经典影片发行了一系列烂俗的续集,而且完全与他的那本书无关。

  • Use the word cheesy to describe something that's cheap or badly made. You might hope your fake Rolex watch will impress your friends, but they're bound to see how cheesy it is.
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  • adj. 干酪质的;下等的;虚伪的
  • 1. “I felt her ass when she got over me to suds me up, ” he continued, cheesy potatoes flecking from his mouth.


  • 2. Instead they followed up the classic with a series of cheesy sequels in the '80s that were totally unrelated to his book.


  • 3. Vernix caseosa a white cheesy substance has formed over the baby’s skin to protect it from its watery environment and to help ease her through the birth canal.


  • cheesy (adj.) "cheese-like," late 14c., from cheese (n.1) + -y (2). Meaning "cheap, inferior" is attested from 1896, in U.S. student slang, along with cheese (n.) "an ignorant, stupid person." In late 19c. British slang, cheesy was "fine, showy" (1858), probably from cheese (n.2) and some suggest the modern derogatory use is an "ironic reversal" of this. The word was in common use in medical writing in the late 19c. to describe morbid substances found in tumors, decaying flesh, etc. Related: Cheesiness.
cheesy / ˈtʃiːzi ; NAmE ˈtʃiːzi / adjective ( chees·ier , cheesi·est ) 1 ( informal) not very good or original, and without style, in a way that is embarrassing but amusing 拙劣可笑的;令人尴尬发笑的 a cheesy horror movie 拙劣可笑的恐怖片 2 ( informal) too emotional or romantic, in a way that is embarrassing 过于多愁善感的 a cheesy love song 伤感的情歌 3 (of a smile 笑容 ) done in an exaggerated and probably not sincere way 刻意的;做作的 She had a cheesy grinon her face. 她勉强龇牙笑了一笑。 4 smelling or tasting of cheese 干酪气味的;干酪味道的 cheesy cheesier cheesiest cheesy / ˈtʃiːzi ; NAmE ˈtʃiːzi /
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