charge 英 [tʃɑ:dʒ]   美 [tʃɑrdʒ]


charge  英 [tʃɑ:dʒ] 美 [tʃɑrdʒ]

n. 收费;控告;主管;负载  v. 收费,充电;使承担;控告 

进行时:charging  过去式:charged  过去分词:charged  第三人称单数:charges  名词复数:charges 

We have to make a small charge for refreshments. 我们得收取少量茶点费。
admission charges 入场费

  • Charge can mean electricity received, as in the shock you’d feel if you put your finger in a wall socket. Charge is also what you do when you use your credit card instead of cash. Shopping can be electrifying too.
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  • n. 收费;控告;主管;负载
  • v. 收费,充电;使承担;控告
  • 1. We have to make a small charge for refreshments.


  • 2. admission charges


  • 3. Delivery is free of charge.


  • 4. criminal charges


  • 5. a murder charge,an assault charge


  • 6. She rejected the charge that the story was untrue.


  • 7. She has charge of the day-to-day running of the business.


  • 8. He took charge of the farm after his father's death.


  • 9. His charge was to obtain specific information.


  • 10. What did they charge for the repairs?


  • 11. The restaurant charged £20 for dinner.

    这家餐馆收了 20 英镑的餐费。

  • 12. Before use, the battery must be charged.


  • charge (n.) c. 1200, "a load, a weight," from Old French charge "load, burden; imposition," from chargier "to load, to burden," from Late Latin carricare "to load a wagon or cart," from Latin carrus "two-wheeled wagon" (see car). A doublet of cargo.
  • charge (v.) early 13c., "to load, put a burden on or in; fill with something to be retained," from Old French chargier "to load, burden, weigh down," from Late Latin carricare "to load a wagon or cart," from Latin carrus "two-wheeled wagon" (see car).
charge / tʃɑːdʒ ; NAmE tʃɑːrdʒ / noun , verb charge charges charged charging noun money 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] charge(for sth) the amount of money that sb asks for goods and services (商品和服务所需的)要价,收费 We have to make a small charge for refreshments. 我们得收取少量茶点费。 admission charges 入场费 Delivery is free of charge. 免费送货。 synonyms at rate 2 [countable ,  uncountable ] ( NAmE) ( informal) = account  (3 ) , charge account , credit account Would you like to put that on your charge? 你愿意把这笔费用记在你的账上吗? ‘Are you paying cash?’ ‘No, it'll be a charge.’ “你用现金支付吗?”“不,记账吧。” of crime/sth wrong 罪行;过失 3 [countable ,  uncountable ] an official claim made by the police that sb has committed a crime 指控;控告 criminal charges 刑事指控 a murder/an assault charge 谋杀罪的╱侵犯人身罪的指控 He will be sent back to England to face a charge of (= to be on trial for)armed robbery. 他将被遣返回英国面临持械抢劫罪的指控。 They decided to drop the chargesagainst the newspaper and settle out of court. 他们已决定撤销对那家报纸的指控,在庭外和解。 After being questioned by the police, she was released without charge. 她被警察传讯后无罪释放。 collocationsat justice 4 [countable ] a statement accusing sb of doing sth wrong or bad 指责;谴责 SYN allegation She rejected the charge that the story was untrue. 她否认了说她编造事实的指责。 Be careful you don't leave yourself open to chargesof political bias. 你要小心别留下把柄,让人家指责你带有政治偏见。 responsibility 职责 5 [uncountable ] a position of having control over sb/sth; responsibility for sb/sth 主管;掌管;照管;职责;责任 She has charge of the day-to-day running of the business. 她负责掌管日常业务。 They left the au pair in charge ofthe children for a week. 他们把孩子留给做换工的照料一周。 He took charge ofthe farm after his father's death. 他在父亲去世后掌管了农场。 I'm leaving the school in your charge. 我这就把学校交给你掌管。 6 [countable ] ( formal or humorous) a person that you have responsibility for and care for 被照管的人;受照料者 electricity 7 [countable ,  uncountable ] the amount of electricity that is put into a battery or carried by a substance (电池或带电物质的)充电量,电荷 a positive/negative charge 正╱负电荷 rush/attack 猛冲;攻击 8 [countable ] a sudden rush or violent attack, for example by soldiers, wild animals or players in some sports 突然猛冲;猛攻;冲锋 He led the charge down the field. 他带头沿着球场冲杀过去。 explosive 炸药 9 [countable ] the amount of explosiveneeded to fire a gun or make an explosion (射击或爆炸需要的)炸药量 see also depth charge strong feeling 强烈感情 10 [singular ] the power to cause strong feelings 感染力;震撼力 the emotional charge of the piano piece 那首钢琴曲扣人心弦的感染力 task 任务 11 [singular ] ( formal) a task or duty 任务;责任 His charge was to obtain specific information. 他的任务是收集具体的信息。 IDIOMS bring/press/prefer ˈcharges against sb ( law ) to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court 起诉;控告 get a ˈcharge out of sth ( NAmE) to get a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure from sth 从…中得到快感(或快乐、乐趣) verb money 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to ask an amount of money for goods or a service 收费;要价 chargesth for sth What did they charge for the repairs? 他们收了多少修理费? The restaurant charged £20 for dinner. 这家餐馆收了 20 英镑的餐费。 chargesb for sth We won't charge you for delivery. 我们送货不收费。 chargesth at sth Calls are charged at 36p per minute. 电话费按每分钟 36 便士收取。 chargesb sth (for sth) He only charged me half price. 他只收我半价。 chargefor sth Do you think museums should charge for admission? 你认为博物馆应该收入场费吗? charge(sb) to do sth The bank doesn't charge to stop a payment. 银行不收取停止付款的手续费。 2 [transitive ] to record the cost of sth as an amount that sb has to pay 把…记在账上;在某人账上记入 chargesth to sth They charge the calls to their credit-card account. 他们用信用卡账户支付电话费。 ( NAmE) chargesth Don't worry. I'll charge it (= pay by credit card). 别担心,我会用信用卡付款的。 with crime/sth wrong 犯罪;过失 3 [transitive ] to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court 控告;起诉 chargesb Several people were arrested but nobody was charged. 有数人被捕,但均未受到起诉。 chargesb with sth/with doing sth He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。 4 [transitive ] chargesb (with sth/with doing sth) ( formal) to accuse sb publicly of doing sth wrong or bad 指责;谴责 Opposition MPs charged the minister with neglecting her duty. 反对党议员指责这名女部长玩忽职守。 rush/attack 猛冲;攻击 5 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to rush forward and attack sb/sth 猛冲;猛攻;冲锋 The bull put its head down and charged. 公牛低下头猛冲过来。 charge(at) sb/sth We charged at the enemy. 我们向敌人发起冲锋。 6 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to rush in a particular direction 向…方向冲去 The children charged down the stairs. 孩子们冲下了楼梯。 He came charging into my room and demanded to know what was going on. 他冲进我的房间,要求知道发生了什么事。 with electricity 7 [transitive ] to pass electricity through sth so that it is stored there 充电 chargesth Before use, the battery must be charged. 电池使用前必须充电。 chargesth up The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling. 这种电动剃须刀可充电供旅行使用。 with responsibility/task 职责;任务 8 [transitive ] ( usually passive 通常用于被动语态 ) ( formal) to give sb a responsibility or task 赋予…职责(或任务);使…承担责任(或任务) chargesb with sth The committee has been charged with the development of sport in the region. 委员会已被赋予在该地区发展体育运动的职责。 chargesb with doing sth The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget. 学校管理部门负有在预算范围内管理好学校的职责。 with strong feeling 强烈感情 9 [transitive ] ( usually passive 通常用于被动语态 ) chargesth (with sth) ( literary) to fill sb with an emotion 使充满(…情绪) The room was charged with hatred. 这个房间里充满了敌意。 a highly chargedatmosphere 一触即发的紧张气氛 glass 玻璃杯 10 [transitive ] chargesth ( BrE) ( formal) to fill a glass 注满(玻璃杯) Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom! 请各位斟满酒杯向新娘、新郎敬酒! gun 11 [transitive ] chargesth ( old use) to load a gun 装(弹药) charge / tʃɑːdʒ ; NAmE tʃɑːrdʒ /
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