character assassination  

character assassination

character assassination 

phrase. 人格诽谤  phrase. 人格诋毁 

名词复数:character assassinations 

And in the cold light of an employment tribunal, what seemed like harmless banter about the marketing manager's new hairdo can sound like a character assassination. 而且在办公室冷酷的裁决中,一些对经理的新发型看上去无伤大雅的调侃也可能被视作人身攻击。
According to the experts, it takes many forms including being unfairly treated, public humiliation, being regularly threatened with the sack, and even character assassination. 据专家所说,工作场合的欺凌有许多形式,包括待遇不平等,公开侮辱,经常以解雇相威胁,甚至是对人格的诋毁。

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  • phrase. 人格诽谤
  • phrase. 人格诋毁
  • 1. And in the cold light of an employment tribunal, what seemed like harmless banter about the marketing manager's new hairdo can sound like a character assassination.


  • 2. According to the experts, it takes many forms including being unfairly treated, public humiliation, being regularly threatened with the sack, and even character assassination.


  • 3. In practice, character assassination may involve double speak, spreading of rumors, innuendo or deliberate misinformation on topics relating to the subject's morals, integrity, and reputation.

    在实践中,性格暗杀可能涉及 双言巧语、散布谣言、 影射或蓄意误导,主题涉及主体的道德、诚信和声誉。

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