certain 英 [ˈsɜ:tn]   美 [ˈsɜrtn]


certain  英 [ˈsɜ:tn] 美 [ˈsɜrtn]

adj. 某一;确信的,有把握的  pron. 某些;某几个 

It is certain that they will agree. 他们一定会同意。
She looks certain to win an Oscar. 看来奥斯卡金像奖非她莫属。

  • When you're certain, you're sure about something. When you raise your hand to give the answer, you feel certain that you are correct.
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  • adj. 某一;确信的,有把握的
  • pron. 某些;某几个
  • 1. It is certain that they will agree.


  • 2. She looks certain to win an Oscar.


  • 3. They are certain to agree.


  • 4. If you want to be certain of getting a ticket, book now.


  • 5. Are you absolutely certain about this?


  • 6. For certain personal reasons I shall not be able to attend.


  • 7. Certain people might disagree with this.


  • 8. That's true, to a certain extent.


  • certain (adj.) c. 1300, "determined, fixed," from Old French certain "reliable, sure, assured" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *certanus, extended form of Latin certus "sure, fixed, settled, determined" (also source of Old French cert, Italian certo, Spanish cierto), originally a variant past participle of cernere "to distinguish, decide," literally "to sift, separate." This Latin verb comes from the PIE root *krei- "to sieve," thus "discriminate, distinguish," which is also the source of Greek krisis "turning point, judgment, result of a trial" (see crisis).
cer·tain / ˈsɜːtn ; NAmE ˈsɜːrtn / adjective , pronoun adjective 1 that you can rely on to happen or to be true 确实;确定;肯定 The climbers face certain death if the rescue today is unsuccessful. 救援行动如果今天不能成功,登山队员必死无疑。 certain(that)… It is certain that they will agree. 他们一定会同意。 certainto do sth She looks certain to win an Oscar. 看来奥斯卡金像奖非她莫属。 They are certain to agree. 他们一定会同意。 certainof sth/of doing sth If you want to be certain of getting a ticket, book now. 要想有把握买到票,现在就得预订。 synonyms at sure 2 firmly believing sth; having no doubts 确信;确定;无疑 certain(that)… She wasn't certain (that) he had seen her. 她不敢肯定他见过她。 certainof/about sth Are you absolutely certain about this? 你对这事绝对确信无疑吗? certainwho/where, etc… I'm not certain who was there. 我无法确定谁当时在场。 To my certain knowledgehe was somewhere else at the time (= I am sure about it). 我敢肯定他当时不在现场。 3 used to mention a particular thing, person or group without giving any more details about it or them (不提及细节时用)某事,某人,某种 For certain personal reasons I shall not be able to attend. 由于某种个人原因,我将不能出席。 Certain people might disagree with this. 某些人对这事可能不会赞同。 They refused to release their hostages unless certain conditions were met. 除非某些条件得到满足,否则他们不会释放人质。 4 ( formal) used with a person's name to show that the speaker does not know the person (与人名连用,表示说话者不识其人)某某,某位,一位叫…的 It was a certain Dr Davis who performed the operation. 是一位叫戴维斯的医生做的手术。 5 slight; noticeable, but difficult to describe 轻微的;微小的;显而易见却难以描述的 That's true, to a certain extent. 在一定程度上的确如此。 I felt there was a certain coldness in her manner. 我觉得她的态度有点冷淡。 IDIOMS for ˈcertain without doubt 肯定;确定;无疑 I can't say for certain when we'll arrive. 我说不准我们什么时候能到。 make certain (that…) to find out whether sth is definitely true 弄确实;弄清楚;弄明白 I think there's a bus at 8 but you'd better call to make certain. 好像 8 点有一班公共汽车,不过你最好打电话弄清楚。 make certain of sth/of doing sth to do sth in order to be sure that sth else will happen 确保(做某事) You'll have to leave soon to make certain of getting there on time. 你得快点出发,好确保准时到达那里。 of a certain ˈage if you talk about a person being of a certain age,you mean that they are no longer young but not yet old 不算年轻的;年纪不轻的;中年的 The show appeals to an audience of a certain age. 这个节目中年观众感兴趣。 pronoun certain of… ( formal) used for talking about some members of a group of people or things without giving their names (不提及人或事物的名称时用)某些 Certain of those present were unwilling to discuss the matter further. 某些出席会议的人不愿意进一步讨论这个问题。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 certain bound sure definite guaranteed These are all words describing sth that will definitely happen or is definitely true. 以上各词均指某事肯定、必定会发生或属实。 certain that you can rely on to happen or be true 指确实、确定、肯定(会发生或是事实): It's certain that they will agree. 他们肯定会同意。 They are certain to agree. 他们肯定会同意。 bound [not before noun] certain to happen, or to do or be sth 指肯定会、一定会 NOTE Boundis only used in the phrase bound to do/be, etc. *bound 只用于 bound to do / be 等短语中: There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced. 新系统引进后肯定会有变化。 You've done so much work—you're bound to pass the exam. 你下了这么大工夫,一定能通过考试。 sure certain to happen or be true; that can be trusted or relied on 指必定、无疑﹙会发生或是事实﹚或不容置疑、确切、可靠: She's sure to be picked for the team. 她肯定会入选该队。 It's sure to rain. 一准会下雨。 definite ( rather informal) certain to happen; that is not going to change 指必将发生、不会改变: Is it definite that he's leaving? 他肯定要离开吗? guaranteed certain to have a particular result 指肯定会、必定会(有特定结果): That kind of behaviour is guaranteed to make him angry. 那样的行为肯定会让他生气。 PATTERNS certain/sure ofsth certain/bound/sure/guaranteed to do sth certain/definite that… I couldn't say forcertain/sure/definite. cer·tain / ˈsɜːtn ; NAmE ˈsɜːrtn /
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