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- phrase. 轰动的讼案,著名的讼案(尤指刑事案件);闹得满城风雨的事件
1. Italy's politicians have said they will create new right-to-die laws, as the country absorbs the death of a woman whose case became a cause celebre.
2. The death of anti-fascist activist Blair Peach during a protest in 1979 has always been a cause celebre for campaigners against police use of excessive force.
反法西斯活动家Blair Peach在1979年一场抗议活动中的死亡总是成为反对警察滥用武力的著名案例。
3. In 2008, Ai was instrumental in turning the case of Yang Jia, a man who stabbed six policeman to death after being arrested and beaten for riding an unlicensed bicycle, into an internet cause-celebre.
cause cé·lèbre / ˌkɔːz seˈlebrə ; NAmE ˌkɔːz seˈlebrə / noun ( from French) ( plural causes cé·lèbres / ˌkɔːz seˈlebrə ; NAmE ˌkɔːz seˈlebrə / ) an issue that attracts a lot of attention and is supported by a lot of people 广受关注的问题;公众支持的事物 cause célèbre causes célèbres cause cé·lèbre / ˌkɔːz seˈlebrə ; NAmE ˌkɔːz seˈlebrə / causes cé·lèbres / ˌkɔːz seˈlebrə ; NAmE ˌkɔːz seˈlebrə /
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