causal 英 [ˈkɔ:zl]   美 [ˈkɔzəl]


causal  英 [ˈkɔ:zl] 美 [ˈkɔzəl]

adj. 因果关系的;有原因的  n. 表示原因的连词 

Yes if you got a correlation that strong it must be causal. 如果你有一个那么强的相关性,他肯定有因果关系。
But he conceded that the research does not establish a causal link and that the study did not control for many possible variables. 但是他也承认这项研究并未建立一个因果关系的关联,而且该研究没有控制许多可能的变量。

  • Have you ever heard the saying "One thing leads to another"? When one thing is known for certain to cause another thing, then the first thing can be called causal.
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  • adj. 因果关系的;有原因的
  • n. 表示原因的连词
  • 1. Yes if you got a correlation that strong it must be causal.


  • 2. But he conceded that the research does not establish a causal link and that the study did not control for many possible variables.


  • 3. Phil Wolff's research shows that people are quite good at recognizing these kinds of causal situations and combining them together to better understand more complex events.


  • causal (adj.) 1530s, in grammar and logic, "expressing a cause," from Latin causalis "relating to a cause," from causa "a cause, reason" (see cause (n.)). From 1560s as "relating to a cause or causes;" 1640s as "being a cause, producing effects."
causal / ˈkɔːzl ; NAmE ˈkɔːzl / adjective 1 ( formal) connected with the relationship between two things, where one causes the other to happen 因果关系的;前因后果的;原因的 the causal relationship between poverty and disease 贫穷与疾病的因果关系 2 ~ conjunction/connective ( grammar 语法 ) a word such as becausethat introduces a statement about the cause of sth 表示因果关系的(连接词,如 because) caus·al·ly adverb / ; NAmE / Are the two factors causally connected? 这两个因素有因果关系吗? causal / ˈkɔːzl ; NAmE ˈkɔːzl / caus·al·ly / ; NAmE /
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