cast around for  

cast around for

cast around for 

As the Red Queen hypothesis fell out of favour, researchers began to cast around for other possibilities. 随着红皇后假说的失宠,研究者们试着在别的地方碰运气。
YouTube and its rivals have cast around for more sophisticated ways to present advertising for some time but without finding an answer. YouTube 及其对手已花了不少时间寻求更精巧的方法来呈现广告,但并未找到答案。

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  • 1. As the Red Queen hypothesis fell out of favour, researchers began to cast around for other possibilities.


  • 2. YouTube and its rivals have cast around for more sophisticated ways to present advertising for some time but without finding an answer.

    YouTube 及其对手已花了不少时间寻求更精巧的方法来呈现广告,但并未找到答案。

  • 3. John cast around for a good subject for his report.


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